The SPX Culinary Club competed in the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) state competition. The FCCLA is a career and technical student organization that aims to help youth in public and private schools with family bonds, careers, and participation in the community. The club competed in knife skills, pastry arts, and culinary against other high schools from New Mexico.
This was the club’s first time participating in the competition, and they placed in three categories. The Culinary Team won bronze and consisted of senior Santana Larranaga, and sophomores Isaac Silva and Georgia Limbaugh. The Knife Skills Team, Isaac Silva and Georgia Limbaugh, won silver. Sophomore Aaliyah Turrietta won silver for Pastry Arts. The students prepared for weeks and were judged on safety and sanitation, planning, taste, texture, seasoning, plating and presentation, cooking methods and techniques.